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Posted By: Warren P BIAB Mac 2023 Drums Not Found [Resolved] - 10/14/23 04:11 PM
My install completed normally at least that's my read of this screenshot.
It said Install has been completed. Would you like to launch Band-in-a-Box now?

After launching the main program I get this error:

[Linked Image]

I found the installer's way of letting me (and not letting me) choose folders with various things in the names confusing and I hope that I didn't find a bug.

[Linked Image]

Do I have to reinstall? Any idea what's wrong? The content in the realdrums folders appears to be there, and the realtracks. They are on an external disk and are each in their own folder created by the installer, as requested in the screenshot where you can customize content folders before installing and it will install to the correctly specified place.

[Linked Image][Linked Image]

Attached picture Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 9.05.59 AM.png
Attached picture Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 9.02.24 AM.png
Attached picture Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 9.10.40 AM.png
Attached picture Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 9.10.34 AM.png
Posted By: Warren P Re: BIAB Mac 2023 Drums Not Found - 10/14/23 04:21 PM
It looks like something has gone wrong that was not reported by the installer program as a problem.
Rebuild is failing with an error. Unable to open file /Applications/Band-in-a-box/data/bbw.lst".
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption. Press abort to kill the program.

I chose an external disk called /Volume/ (dumb name right?) for my BIAB "large stuff" (drums, etc).

After clicking the OK to ignore it seems that it hangs with the stylepicker showing that it's reindexing and it stays at 20% forever. That happened a few times and on the forth try it may have reindexed. It says 1,168 items in the list. I have no filters on category or antyhing else.

There are now very many Type=R items in my StylePicker which there weren't before. Am I good?

Is there a button I can hit somewhere that tells me if everything installed? OMG the bossa quartet bass real stuff is REALLY AMAZING. My jaw is on the floor. I have the biggest grin on my face. Bravo people. This thing is a miracle.
Posted By: Mike Halloran Re: BIAB Mac 2023 Drums Not Found - 10/14/23 07:03 PM
Here's your problem—click on the Attachment. You have set Custom destinations. Style Picker doesn't know where these files are.

You need to navigate to them. BIAB used to have problems navigating properly but I made fixing that my big issue while testing 2023 so it works now.

Support can get you there if you can't figure it out or I can post more screen shots.

Attached picture Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 11.58.47 AM.jpg
Posted By: Warren P Re: BIAB Mac 2023 Drums Not Found - 10/14/23 08:39 PM
AH. I ASSUMED incorrectly that the installer would write a preference file to the disk that would tell the program where it installed to.

Most app installers would do this automatically? The BIAB installer doesn't?

I found where to go to set this up. It's a bit of a multi step process. Solution: Recognize that after doing the install you still have to go in and edit the preferences to set the locations up manually. The installer does not communicate to the installed app where the content went.
Posted By: Warren P Re: BIAB Mac 2023 Drums Not Found - 10/15/23 09:38 PM
You have to MANUALLY set up the main program and AGAIN set up the plugin, because the installer doesn't write a hello_there_.txt file which is read by the main program and the plugin to tell them where it installed to. If they'll let me on the next beta I'll be sure to file lots of friendly helpful bug reports about this installer. :-)
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