Which RealDrums styles are included in each of the RealDrums Sets?

To find out which RealDrums sets you have, you can go to the Help menu in Band-in-a-Box® and click on What add-ons do I have?

To find out which RealDrums styles you have installed, right-click on the Drums track in the instrument panel and select 'Add/remove RealDrums', or 'Choose RealDrums', depending on your version. This opens the RealDrums Picker.

In the RealDrums Picker dialog, you can also find out which styles you are missing by checking the box "Show RealDrums that are N/A" (not available).

An alternative way to find out which styles you have is to look at the file 'DrumFolderNames.txt' in your Band-in-a-Box® Data folder - this file lists all of the styles found in your drums folder, including variations.

If you think it isn't displaying some of the RealDrums sets you have, try pressing the Update or Rebuild button in the RealDrums Settings dialog (it shouldn't normally be necessary for you to do this). The other possibility is that you have some of your RealDrums installed to a 'Drums' folder in a different location. You need to have all of your styles in a single 'Drums' folder. This is usually C:\bb\Drums on the PC, or /Applications/Band-in-a-Box/Drums on the Mac.

Below is a list of the RealDrums styles included in each set.


  • RealDrums SETS only went up to Set #29. Subsequent RealDrums styles are included along with the RealTracks in RealTracks Sets, since it makes sense to include the Drums with other instruments in the same band. So the list below only covers the first RealDrums styles that were released.
  • Many RealDrums styles have several variations. The individual variations are not shown in the list below.
  • Many RealDrums styles have multiple RealDrums wave files, each at a different tempo. Different tempos of the same 'style' are often unique enough that they could be considered different styles by themselves (drummers use different playing techniques at different tempos). The various tempos are not included in this list.

Last updated:  Tuesday, 22 October 2019


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